Congrats are in order for pal and uber Blogger Andy Abramson - his blog Voip Watch was just recognized as one of the top B-Z blogs by The Standard. Personally I consider Andy an A blogger of the highest caliber in the Communications field, but these accolades are a bit different as The Standard is an all business encompassing publication - VoIP is crossing over from niche to mainstream and Andy is at the head of the pack.
Andy and I both share a passion for Bleeding Edge communications. Although I can't speak for Andy, I believe he shares the following sentiments. The driving reason we are in this field is simply what the Standard is recognizing here. VoIP and related IP communications can radically change the way you do business, it is so much more than cheap phone calls. It is empowering and exciting to take SMB's and show them inexpensive solutions that can give them an incredible advantage over their competition, thus changing the way they do business forever. It is that aha! moment when the CEO or VP of Sales of a company sees the possibilities of how this stuff can help them, which drives us.
Congrats Andy!
Kudo's from Alec here.